EDUCATE parents, as knowledge is powerful

COLLABORATE and work together to achieve your goals

EMPOWER families to help their child
The Mission of The Social Coach is to partner with families & professionals to bring clarity and action to their lives and/or business. Together, we will collaborate and develop a strategic plan to elevate you forward to the next level.
Does this describe your CHILD?
Struggles building friendships?
Prefers to play alone?
Displays meltdowns and out of control behaviors?
Exhibits inflexibility?
Difficulty expressing their emotions?
Overcome by anxiety?
Does this describe
Frazzled about where to begin
Overwhelmed by so much information
Confused by speaking to so many different professionals
Struggling to prioritize what is best for your child
Feeling alone on the journey
Does this describe the FUTURE YOU?
Ready to take on challenges
Able to “trust your gut“
Organized with a clear road map
Confident and empowered by the knowledge you have gained
Resilient and able to handle the ups and downs of the unknowns
An advocate for your child
Supporting Parents and Professionals
Social Coaching for FAMILIES
Research supports the importance of social-emotional learning in the lives of children. Its impact can be seen in both academic achievement and later success in life. As parents, you play a vital role in helping your child to navigate their social world.
Together we will develop a personalized plan. We will create a “toolbox” of information, strategies, and resources to help your child thrive.
I will show you how to implement these practical tools during everyday activities.
Social Coaching for PROFESSIONALS
As a private practitioner, therapist, and entrepreneur, are you looking to bring dynamic social programs to help children thrive at school and at home?
Would your families feel more empowered with tools and knowledge to support their child’s social-emotional development?
Could your staff benefit from a workshop in the area of social cognition?
Are you ready to elevate your business to the next level?
Consultative Services for ALL
Do you need to check something off your "To Do" list?
Have an upcoming IEP meeting?
Need help planning a playdate for your child?
Would collaborating with your child's team help your child achieve their goals sooner?
Or if you just need to brainstorm and pick my brain for ideas, a consultation may be the perfect way to go!
VIP Day With SUE
A VIP Day is perfect for the parent or professional looking to work with me for a full or half day.
VIP Days are yours to design. I am here for you, whether you want expert advice and dedicated attention so you can get the answers you need, or you're a professional looking for support with a specific client.
Inquire to learn more about how a VIP Day can accelerate the development of your personalized action plan.
Why wait weeks if you can do it in a day?


Susan Abrams, M.A. CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist
Social Coach
Susan Abrams M.A. CCC-SLP is a thought leader in our community with over 30 years of experience as a Speech-Language Pathologist in the greater Washington, DC area. As founder of the Center for Communication and Learning (CCL), she provided speech and language services, supported children with social language challenges, created Parent University, Be Social Kids, and the Innovators in Education conference, and organized a professional networking group.
Sue developed the Be Social Kids program providing weekly groups to help students understand the “why behind social skills." Each summer CCL collaborated with Fitness For Health, offering a program integrating social thinking concepts and motor activities. She sponsored Be Social Workshops, designed to provide families with a toolbox for assisting their children to navigate the social world.
Sue is an inspiration and has shared her knowledge as a presenter at national and local workshops. Professionally, she is recognized as one of Maryland's most respected therapists in the area of social cognition, having completed the Social Thinking® clinical training program. She presented at the Social Thinking® Global Providers Conferences, most recently on the topic of "Social Thinking Meets CBT." She was featured in the ASHA Leader “Social Steps” and in the Washington Parent magazine.
Sue holds a Master of Arts in Speech Pathology from Hofstra University and a Masters of Education in Counseling from George Washington University. She is a certified PEERS® for Young Adults Provider by UCLA and has completed the Hanen program, It Takes Two to Talk®. She is a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA), Florida Speech and Language Association (FLASHA), and the American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology (APPSPA). She is a recipient of the ASHA ACE Award for excellence in continuing education, dedicating a commitment to lifelong learning. In addition to her clinical expertise, she has been an adjunct instructor at Johns Hopkins University.
Sue’s passion to help children with social challenges and their families has led her to her newest venture, The Social Coach, LLC.
Advanced Education, Certifications, & Training
The Social Thinking® Clinical Training Program
PEERS® For Young Adults Certified Provider
It Takes Two to Talk -The Hanen Program®
Verbal Behavior Training-Dr. Carbone
ASHA: Certificate of Clinical Competence
M.A. in Speech Pathology
M.A. in Counseling
Presentations & Featured Articles
Parent University
Innovators in Education
Social Thinking Global Conference
Be Social Kids Parent Workshops
Be Social Now!
BG-NOS Professional Networking Group Co-Founder
Co-author of It's As Easy As Child's Play! Or Is It? in the Washington Parent
Featured in the ASHA Leader article, Social Steps
Our Process

Let's Connect
Complete the inquiry form, and I will respond within two business days (unless I am cruising the ocean or just unplugged).

You talk, I listen. I will share about my process and policies too. I am here to be your guide and help design the perfect program just for YOU.

Get Ready
Share your child's evaluation reports and describe their strengths and challenges so I can learn more about them... and about YOU too! Let me hear about your hopes and dreams for your child.

The Big Day
Finally, we get to spend time together... to talk, share, and create an action plan. Your sessions are your opportunity to ask questions, learn, and most importantly, to feel supported.
Are you ready to take the next step?
(Of course with a cup of coffee!)

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."